Sculptural Benches and One-Offs
About once a year Angus makes a one-off exhibition piece and this is a much more intuitive, free, and experimental process than commissioned furniture. Angus calls this "sketching with wood" as large furniture components are manipulated on the work bench. It is an opportunity to extend his skills: to bend deeper, tighter and into spirals with greater precision, to build curvaceous shapes, or to extend existing techniques with CAD or laser cutting.
These one-off pieces are usually made for exhibitions like COLLECT (international art fair for contemporary craft and design) or SOFA (sculptural objects and functional art) and are widely exhibited and published. Over the years they have been purchased by private collectors, for corporate spaces, and for public buildings.
Spey Bench.
Spey Bench.
Forth Bench.
Forth Bench.
Sleigh Bench.
Resilience Bench and Quercus Pods.
Resilience Bench in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
Quercus Pods.
Canoe Benches.
Canoe Benches.
Tay Bench.
Tay Bench.
" Angus Ross and his super-natural use of folding and steam bending....."
Dr Mhari Maxwell of V&A Dundee.
If you are interested in finding out more about any of Angus’s sculptural one-offs please don’t hesitate to get in touch.